martes, 15 de junio de 2010

How would you introduce cultural contents in your English lessons?

First of all, I would like to say that I agree the educational system; I like the idea of teaching a foreign language to young children. In fact there are methodologies which teach English at nursery (at the age of 2 or 3 years)…, obviously the aim isn’t for children to learn the English language, the aim will only be to develop the oral skill to this foreign language through stories, basic songs, easy games and videos.

Children could have another teacher who comes once a week to the class to do the English lesson (the first educator stays also in the classroom). Is important for this person to belong to school, he or she would not be a strange person for them, and is convenient that he or she would repeat the same activity at least two or three times.

Now, introducing cultural contents in English lessons would be absolutely and undoubtedly through stories, songs, drama, games, flash cards, magazines..... All depending on the age of the children.

I think that the age to start with cultural contents should not be under five years old.

Cultural contents should be the most basic, through stories with pictures, cartoons or comics, videos or films and always looking for simple language.

First we should start learning some geography of the English-speaking countries, whether it's the UK or the U.S.:

  • Situate it on a map.
  • Draw a picture of the countries and cities and colour it.
  • Ask them what they know about these countries or cities.
  • Similarities with our geography.
  • Know the flag and draw it.

All this could be hung on a wall mural in the class.

Once have progressed in this field, we could work on the traditions of these places; but first we can work on a maximum of one or two cities in these countries; for example London:

  • The gastronomy

We could invite a family member or a friend of the children to do a cooking workshop: to make something very easy for children; make a cake, cookies, or muffins.

From there, learn vocabulary with the ingredients, with kitchen appliances, etc…

  • Teatime

We could explain what means "drinking tea" for English people, and talk about the similarities with our basket lunch.

  • English Folktales

We ask students to look for information on the Internet with the help of their families, etc ... to bring themselves prepared a story, the teacher can read it, and together make drawings of the story, and by a vote they decide which story they like best and make a big fairy tale to keep it in the classroom (all as easy as possible).

They might also be familiar stories taking place in England, including: Mary Poppins, Peter Pan, 101 Dalmatians, A Christmas Carol, The Muppets ... and then to see the movie.

  • Typical or traditional Songs
    - Happy birthday Song.
    - Christmas cards.
    - Good Morning Song.
    - Simple Songs for children.

  • The climate and clothing in reference to the weather.

  • The most popular sports there.

  • If they have got a King or Queen.

In general all should be compared and related to the culture of our country, making everything very easy and pleasant, doing short sessions and encourage children at all times, always respecting the real of learning and the progressing of each student.

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